Single Points Event

Arlington, Bedford, Grapevine, Rockwall, TX

Travel Sports Baseball


Mar 15-16, 2025


Coaches and parents, please have a conversation with your player(s) about digging holes in the outfield with their cleats. This damages the field and creates a hazard for players. Thank you for your help in keeping players safe, and the fields in good order.

Select Division

1 DFW Wildcatters-13u-Negron 2-0-0 1 16 17 3000
2 Stix 2030 Grey 2-0-0 2 20 42 2100
3 Prospects Baseball Academy- 2030 2-0-0 6 14 20 800
4 Midland Southwest 13u 2-0-0 7 18 34 900
5 Texas Rip 2-0-0 8 19 27 200
6 BC Athletics 13u West 2-0-0 8 3 11 350
7 Stix North 2030 Black 2-0-0 10 11 21 800
8 Texas Baseball Club 1-1-0 3 1 4 1800
9 Texas Edge North 1-1-0 4 8 18 1600
10 USA Prime San Antonio 13u Sutcliffe 1-1-0 6 -1 5 900
11 Texas Generals Shelton 1-1-0 8 2 10 825
12 North Texas Gold 1-1-0 8 -1 7 2125
13 Stix 2030 White 1-1-0 9 1 10 400
14 Dallas Tigers North - Ely 1-1-0 12 8 20 300
15 Stix 2030 Black 1-1-0 15 0 16 2250
16 Texas Rattlers - Weisz 1-1-0 15 -5 10 2275
17 V8 Baseball 13u 1-1-0 16 -6 10 900
18 Premier Titans 1-1-0 17 2 19 1150
19 Oilers 1-1-0 21 -8 13 100
20 Canes Southwest Gold 1-1-0 22 -8 13 475
21 Texas Generals Sweezy 1-1-0 23 -4 9 100
22 NTX Tribe - Martin 0-2-0 15 -7 8 1000
23 Furia Baseball - Gold 0-2-0 18 -12 6 1000
24 Texas Edge Lewis 13u 0-2-0 21 -11 10 300
25 Texas Cannons Marucci-Solomon 0-2-0 21 -13 8 450
26 SBA - Ellis County 0-2-0 23 -11 6 0
27 Tx Damage 13u (gold) 0-2-0 29 -20 0 200
28 SBA Arod 0-2-0 31 -16 5 50