Single Points Event
Orange County, CA
NCS Orange County
XDS Ring in the New Year One Day
Jan 2, 2022
Event Cancelation
Unfortunately, due to field conditions from rain showers, fields will not be playable for this weekend's New Years One Day event & it is canceled. We hope everyone has a Happy New Year & be safe!
Event Info
Steed Park San Clemente

Steed Park San Clemente

Divisions / Pricing:
09U $375 10U $375
11U $395 12U $395
13U $395 14U $395
Pay entry fee through NCS website or send
Venmo @xtremediamondsports
Include age division, team name & date.
You must still register for event through
website even if you pay with Venmo.
09U $375 10U $375
11U $395 12U $395
13U $395 14U $395
Pay entry fee through NCS website or send
Venmo @xtremediamondsports
Include age division, team name & date.
You must still register for event through
website even if you pay with Venmo.
2 game guarantee
Top two seeds play in Championship
NCS Rankings Points!!!
XDS/NCS Baseball World Series QualifierTop two seeds play in Championship
NCS Rankings Points!!!
Team Award:
1st Place Champion Banner
2nd Place Finalist Banner
1st Place Champion Banner
2nd Place Finalist Banner
Player Award:
1st Place Champion Rings
2nd Place Finalist Rings
2nd Place Finalist Rings