South West Region Baseball Rules
South West Region
Baseball Rules & Policies
Age Divisions and player eligibility
Players may play up, no more than two age divisions, but not down in age. Only 3 grade exceptions are allowed on a roster at one time.
Age Division | AGE-BASED Maximum Age for Division |
| GRADE BASED Grade exception | Grade Exception Maximum Age |
05U | Will not turn 6 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 7 years old |
06U | Will not turn 7 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 8 years old |
07U | Will not turn 8 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 9 years old |
08U | Will not turn 9 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 10 years old |
09U | Will not turn 10 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 11 years old |
10U | Will not turn 11 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 12 years old |
11U | Will not turn 12 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 13 years old |
12U | Will not turn 13 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 14 years old |
13U | Will not turn 14 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 15 years old |
14U | Will not turn 15 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 16 years old |
15U | Will not turn 16 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 17 years old |
16U | Will not turn 17 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 18 years old |
17U | Will not turn 18 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 19 years old |
18U | Will not turn 19 years old prior to | or | Currently in | And will not turn 20 years old |
Mandatory team check list (Online):
Your team must have the following items: (A) Official NCS Team Roster entered online in team account, (B) Valid team insurance with team name as insured & National Championship Sports listed as additionally insured uploaded online, (C) Copies of birth certificates or proof of age for all participating players accessible to each team at event - original docs, physical copies or digital formats are acceptable. **Please Note: Any player without any proof of age available (i.e.- birth certificate, passport, student identification card, state identification) is not eligible to play until proof of age is produced and approved by tournament director. Player age documentation must be present or available with team manager for the duration of any given tournament - digital copies are acceptable.
Age divisions are based on the following
Age divisions up to 18U will use the May 1 age cutoff date. To determine your team's age, determine your oldest player's age as of April 30th. Player participating in a given division cannot turn the next age before May 1st of the current season. Example: Player in 10U division cannot turn 11 before May 1st of the current season or he is too old for that division and must play in the 11U division. Players may play up (no more than two age divisions) but not down in age.
Sporting News rules shall apply
With NCS South West baseball rules.
Home team determined by coin flip
Home team must occupy the third base dugout (Unless mutually agreed upon differently by both opposing managers). All changes must go thru the home plate umpire. In playoff rounds, the higher seed will be the home team. Higher seeded team also has the option of choosing to be visiting team.
Official scorekeeper
May sit in stands or in the vicinity of the backstop, is it recommended that the official scorekeeper not sit in the dugout or in the area of the dugout if possible. Coaching staff may keep the book if no one is available from the team to keep the scorebook that is not on coaching staff. Paper scorebook or scoring app (ie. game changer) must be used.
Metal cleats
Allowed in ages 13U and up. Metal Cleats are not allowed for 12U divisions & down. Also, there are no metal cleats allowed on any portable pitching mounds.
Electronic Communication Devices
Teams are permitted to use one-way electronic devices that transmit pre-recorded messages or signals to relay pitch or play calls from the dugout to players on the field (defensive or offensive players). Pitcher must still simulate taking sign from catcher while in contact with rubber when using one-way communication. Live in-ear communication is restricted to the defensive catcher position and manager.
Field dimensions
Age Division Distances = 7U-8U- 40ft mound, 60 ft bases 9U – 46 ft mound, 65 ft bases, 10U -46 ft mound 65 ft bases, 11 & 12 – 50 ft mound 70 ft bases, 13U-54 ft mound 80 ft bases (Some 14Us will play 54×80), 14 & above – 60.6 ft. mound 90 ft bases. (*9U AND 10U base distances are 65 ft field permitting. In the case of certain baseball facilities only having 60 ft pegs installed 9U AND 10U may play at 60 ft.) Additionally pitching distances for all age divisions may be subject to change in the case of some baseball facilities having permanent dirt mounds with differing pitching plate (rubbers) distances.
Playoff seeding is determined by
1. Total Record
2. Head to Head with only 2 teams tied
3. Runs Allowed
4. Run Differential (10 Max Per Game)
5. Runs Scored
6. NCS Rankings
7. Coin Flip - Automated
Managers, upon completion of all pool play games in your division, please check tournament seeding posted online at our official website ( to confirm your team's seeding for the playoff round. Only the seeding posted on the NCS website brackets/seeding page are official. Managers please note that if you should feel that your seeding is in error please contact the tournament director immediately by phone or in person at tournament site. ***No team may forfeit game early for any reason that results in benefit of seeding placement. Punishment may be anything from score change (in forfeited game) or seeding change in bracket per the discretion of tournament director.
Game time start
Official game time begins at the conclusion of the managers Home Plate meeting.
Managers must verify score of each of their games
Team Managers are required to verify their scores immediately following completion of all pool play games during the tournament. Please verify the accuracy of the score before signing the score card, that game score will be reported to the site director. If you see an incorrect score on the bracket please report the error to the site director immediately following your game. All scores are viewable on the website.
Game time limits
Managers, please have your team ready to play immediately following the completion of the preceding game. For the benefit of all participants in our events it is our desire to keep all games going off on time even if that includes beginning your game prior to the scheduled game time start. NOTE: EVENT OR SITE DIRECTORS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO ADJUST TIME LIMITS HOWEVER NECESSARY FOR EACH EVENT OR SITE OTHER THAN TIME LIMITS BELOW. PLEASE CHECK EVENT PAGE IN EVENT INFO SECTION, ALERT SECTION AT THE TOP OF EVENT PAGE OR WITH SITE DIRECTOR FOR POSSIBLE MODIFIED TIME LIMITS.
Pool Play: Pool play games official game time limits are as follows. 07U-08U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 20 minutes with a 1 hour & 30 minute drop dead time limit. 9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 30 minutes with a 1 hour & 40 minute drop dead time limit. 13U-14U will play 7 innings max with no new inning after 1 hour & 35 minutes with a 1 hour & 45 minute drop dead time limit. 15U-18U will play 7 innings max with no new inning after 1 hour & 40 minutes with a 1 hour & 50 minute drop dead time limit. **If Drop Dead time limit is reached then the score will revert back to the previous complete inning's score. Note: In the case that the home team ties the score in the last inning of play when drop dead time limit is reached, the score will stand & not revert back to the last inning score. When no new time limit is reached with the home team winning & up to bat the game is officially over & the score stands. Ties count in pool play games.
Unsportsmanlike Game Delays: are solely at the discretion of the umpire or site director and may result in the ejection of offending coach. Additionally, if a team employs tactics noticeably designed to delay or to hasten the game then it may be declared a forfeit in favor of the team not at fault.
Finishing Batter: If drop dead time limit is reached during a players at-bat the batter must finish the atbat.
Finishing Inning (Tie Game): If drop dead time limit is reached with home team abat and the game is tied then the inning will be played to completion.
Playoffs & Championships: Game time limits are as follows. 07U-08U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 20 minutes. 9U-12U is 6 innings max with no new inning after 1 hour 40 minutes (whichever comes first). 13U thru 18U will play 7 innings max with no new inning after 1 hour & 45 minutes (whichever comes first). Once an inning begins it must be completed. If after time limit or max innings has been reached & a winner has not been decided then the tie breaker will be put in place starting the first extra inning until a winner is decided.
Tie breaker: Starting the new inning bases loaded & 1 out with the last three previous batters on base.
Between innings
A maximum of 90 seconds or 5 warm up pitches, whichever comes first) will be allowed between innings with timing started upon the 3rd out. The umpire shall keep time. Automatic strikes may be called on an offensive team not ready, after the umpire has directed teams to play. Additionally any defensive not ready to begin play when umpire commences play with may be accessed automatic "balls". If an injury requires an emergency pitching change, the new pitcher will have 10 minutes maximum for warm up, during which time the game clock shall be stopped.
Team Line-Up Card
Must be turned in to Home Plate Umpire at or before Home Plate meeting before the beginning of each game. All players participating in game must be entered on official team line-up card to be eligible to participate in game. Note: Any players arriving after start of game must be listed on the team line-up card that is turned in to the umpires prior to the start of the game to be eligible to play.
Teams may elect to bat 9 players or bat 10 players with the 10th player as an EH
Team must field a minimum of 8 players to start game. If a team has less than 8 players at game time it is forfeit time. Teams may also bat entire roster in age division 08U thru 13U. High School age divisions (14U thru 18U) may bat up to 9 batters using a DH or 10 players utilizing an EH (please refer to the 14U-18U division rules further down this page). Teams electing to bat their entire roster should note that in case of a player not being able to continue due to injury will only be an out the first time that player's spot comes up in the batting order, however in the case of a player ejection, the ejected player's spot will be an out every time that player's spot comes up in the batting order. A minimum of 8 players shall be required to start a game and teams cannot finish with less than 8 players with the 9th spot being an automatic out every time up. 9th player can be added to line up in the 9th spot in the batting order at any time during the game as long as that player is legally rostered on team. Starters may re-enter one time only in their original batting order. DH is not permitted in age divisions 13U and below. NOTE: In the event of a player being injured during the course of a game and injured player cannot continue and the team has no more players with eligibility (subs have been used) the last declared substitute used by respective team then will be allowed to sub for the injured player. No outs are declared at this point. This exception is used to promote player safety and in the spirit of fair play.
Designated Hitter
(DH), may be used in the 14U - 18U divisions. Normal substitution rules apply for the Designated Hitter (DH).
Extra Hitter
A team may use the EH, (extra hitter) if desired in any (Ages 9 thru 13) game. The manager must declare the use of an EH prior to the start of the game. The EH position shall be considered the same as any other position. Normal substitution rules apply. However, any team that begins play using an EH, must maintain a 10-player line-up throughout the game. If, due to injury, a team shall fail to field nine players, an out shall be recorded each time the EH was to have come to bat. Note: The extra hitter listed on the original line-up is considered the extra hitter for the entire game no matter what defensive position he assumes during the game. The extra hitter may occupy any position in the batting order. Once the game has commenced, the position of the EH in the batting line-up cannot change during the game.
Rollover Outs (Batting)
Teams may option to rollover their offensive outs while batting giving up the remainder of outs they have left while batting.
Intentional walk
May be announced by the manager in all age divisions.
Pitching limitations & rules
There are no pitching limitations in any age division in NCS South West Region tournament events....unless otherwise specified on event info page or if pitch tracking is enabled for the event. Parents and managers please use common sense. If a player is playing on two different teams in different age divisions that player may only pitch on one team for the entire event. Please note that any violation of any pitching rules may result in the automatic ejection of manager and or player. Note: Pitchers can not fake a pick off attempt to third base while engaged on pitching rubber. It is now a balk. This rule applies to 9U - 13U divisions. Note 14U -18U are playing high schools rules where the fake to third is a legal move. A pitcher can still step towards second and not throw to that base.
Multiple Team Player Participation
A player may not play on two different teams in the same age division in any event/league. A player may play on two different teams in different age divisions in the same event/league. A player may not pitch on two different teams in different ages. Once a player pitches for one team that player is only eligible to pitch on that team for the entirety of the even/league.
Use of illegal players
Any team using illegal players (i.e. – player being too old for division) shall be subject to discipline at the discretion of the event director, possible ejection from tournament and possible future sanctions imposed by NCS South West Region. In the case of a team playing with non rostered players the players in the game that are not on team roster will be removed from the game. The FIRST occurrence will NOT result in team punishment, the SECOND occurrence will result in the team forfeiting the game. NOTE: In the case of a roster being protested a director will check the team's roster to see if the player in question is on the team roster. If player's name appears on team's public roster then the player is eligible to play.
Team Roster
Teams must have participating players listed on their online roster. Rosters must be submitted online in team's account by team admin(s). Rostered players will display on public roster as soon as a team admin enters a player onto the team roster. When team is adding players to roster it will ask for each player's full legal name, birthday & parent/guardian info (Name & Email Address). Parent/Guardian will be sent email to approve roster add & sign waiver online if player does not have waiver on file with NCS online. Parents/Guardian will also be able to go directly to & SIGN IN, or CREATE ACCOUNT to approve roster add & sign waiver with the email address that was used to add player to team roster.
Parent/Guardian Online Waiver Process
When a player is added to a team's roster parent/guardian will receive an email that they click AGREE to sign online waiver for player to participate. This requires parent/guardian to make an account on which is free to do so. In the case an email not received or working for recipient please do the following. Parent/guardian of player visits to SIGN IN or CREATE ACCOUNT with the email address that the team used for the player to be added to the roster. Once signed in click PROFILE in account, then click PLAYERS, then APPROVE next to player name to start waiver & team add approval. There also may be an alert notification upon sign in at the top to approve waiver & roster add. Note: parent/guardian waiver for each player only needs to be approved once per season. If player is added to additional teams it will only have you approve the roster addition, but you will not need to approve the waiver again since there will be one already on file for the player.
All protests must be initiated thru the home plate umpire before being brought to the tournament director. Protesting manager must meet at home with the umpire & opposing manager to officially file the protest. Protesting manager will issue complaint with umpire & opposing manager during this meeting. Umpire will then call for a director. So there is minimal delay umpire may have the option to continue play until a director gets to the field to issue ruling. If a play occurs that a manager desires to protest, but does not officially protest & the next pitch is thrown or once the umpires leave the field after the completion of the game the manager loses the right to a protest. Only managers may protest. Only a rule interpretation may be protested. Umpire judgement calls are not protestable. Requesting to protest an opposing team's roster to protest the use of illegal or ineligible player(s) is considered as a protest & must follow the protest procedure/protocol. At which the time a protest is granted by the tournament director a $100.00 cash deposit shall be immediately be collected by the tournament director. If the protest is upheld, the $100.00 shall be immediately refunded. If the protest is denied the deposit shall be forfeited. All protests will be ruled on immediately by tournament director and all decisions are final.
Missed bases
Requires a live ball appeal play.
Head coaches responsible for players, fans and team conduct
Head coaches are held responsible for the conduct of their players, coaches and fans. Game personnel (including spectators) shall not use language or gestures that will, in any manner, refer to, or reflect negatively toward opposing players. coaches, umpires, spectators, county/city park staff. PENALTY: In the case of unruly fans or unsportsmanlike conduct from fan(s) the team's head coach will be given the opportunity to inform fan(s) that their behavior is subject to that fan(s) being ejected from the game and from the park. If once fan(s) is warned by manager and behavior persists fan(s) will be ejected from park. If head coach does not warn fan and behavior continues both head coach and fan will be ejected.
Head coach only allowed to appeal to umpire
Only head coaches or recognized head coach is allowed to appeal to umpires during the game and all conversations with an umpire should be conducted after a time out has been called and be held in a calm and professional manner. Verbal abuse of the umpire will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the game. Assistant coaches that do not adhere to this rule are subject to immediate ejection from game.
Head coach and a max of 2 coaches allowed in dugout
During all games a max of 3 coaches, 1 head coach and 2 assistant coaches, will be allowed. The coaching staff may not exceed a total of 3 coaches at any time during any game at any age division. All assistant coaches must be listed on your team's online roster and in addition no one other than official coaches and players are allowed in the dugout at any time. Defensive team may only have a MAX of ONE coach outside of dugout at a time.
Ball Buckets
Must be in dugout doorway opening. If the ball hits bucket then ball is assumed to be in the dugout.
6 inning games will be 6-0 & 7 inning games will be 7-0. Any team forfeiting a game may not advance to playoff round if it is determined that it is beneficial to that team with regards to runs allowed/differential etc.
Managers & Coaches Ejections
Any head coach or assistant coach ejected from a game may be required to sit out the next game at the tournament director's discretion. After being ejected a head coach or assistant coach must vacate the premises of the current game (must adhere to the cannot see or hear ejected coach policy). Any head coach caught continuing to coach after being ejected or suspended will be suspended for an additional period of time and/or possibly the remainder of the event.
Player ejections
Any player ejected from a game is subject to an additional one game suspension at the tournament director's discretion.
Game misconduct
No coach, player, or team shall, at any time, whether from the bench, coaching box, or playing field, attempt to incite by word or sign, any unsportsmanlike conduct or demonstration by spectators. Penalty: Offending team member is subject to immediate ejection from game. (Profanity of any sort is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate ejection)
Post game misconduct
If a team, coach or player displays misconduct or poor sportsmanship AFTER a game has concluded, the player or coach may be ejected from the next game or at the directors discretion – the team may forfeit the next game – or may be suspended for the remainder of the tournament.
Failure to leave park after being ejected from game
If any head coach, coach or fan, upon being ejected during game, refuses to leave the park in a timely manner determined by the tournament director the game shall be deemed a forfeit.
Mercy run rules
20 run rule after 1 inning in all age divisions, 15 run rule after 2 innings in all age divisions, 12 run rule after 3 innings in all age divisions, 10 run rule after 4 innings in all age divisions, 8 run rule after 5 innings in all age divisions.
Slide or avoid rule
Is in effect at all age levels. Any player is out when the runner does not slide or makes no an attempt to avoid a defensive player while in position of the ball (or is judged to be in the act of catching the ball) and waiting to make a tag. All players are required to avoid collision with another player while running the bases. If, in the judgement of the umpire, the runner does not make an effort to avoid collision, he is to be declared out. If in the judgement of the umpire the act is deemed to be malicious, the runner will be ejected from the game. Base runners are not allowed to maliciously go after a defensive player to break up a play at any base. Any player ejected from a game is subject to an additional one game suspension at the tournament director's discretion.
Flagrant collision
When there is a collision between a runner and a fielder who is clearly in possession of the ball , the umpire shall judge whether the collision was avoidable and whether the runner was attempting to dislodge the ball or simply attempting to reach the base. If the runner is judged to have attempted to intentionally dislodge the ball, the runner shall be called "Out", the ball is dead, and all runners return to their last base touched at the time of the interference. Any player, in the judgment of the umpire, flagrantly colliding with any fielder may be subject to immediate ejection. Any player ejected from a game is subject to an additional one game suspension at the tournament director's discretion.
Slash bunt
The slash bunt IS NOT ILLEGAL.
Bat Rules - 13U 54/80 Division and below
Metal baseball bats manufactured for baseball must be stamped with the 1.15 BPF certification or BBCOR. NOTE: 13U CANNOT USE BAT LIGHTER THAN -8.
Bat Rules - 14U thru 18U Division (Including 13U 60/90)
-3 bats only. All -3 bats must be stamped with the BBCOR stamp. Wood bats are permitted in all age divisions. Penalty for use of illegal bat will be out. 2nd offense will result in ejection of offending player.
Bat Restrictions
Click Here for restricted bat list.
Wood Bats
Wood bats are permitted in all age divisions.
Catchers Equipment
must be properly equipped for safety purposes. "Properly equipped" is per judgment of chief umpire and tournament director. (i.e. no skull caps allowed, catchers head gear must cover ears & catchers must wear athletic protective cup.)
Courtesy runners
A courtesy runner may be used for the pitcher or catcher at any time. Courtesy runner can only run once in an inning and must be a player not presently in the game/line-up. If batting the entire team the last out would be the courtesy runner. The same runner may not run for both the pitcher and the catcher in the same inning. Courtesy runner for the catcher with two outs is mandatory. (This is also referred to as the "Speed Up Rule which is intended to help speed the game along so as to help insure that teams get their full games in.)
Tournament director reserves the right to
Alter format of any tournament event in order to finish tournament event in a timely manner. This includes shortening minimum game guarantees, modifying game schedules, time limits and innings per game if necessary & game or extra inning formats. Additionally, every effort will be made to finish tournament but in case of rain, darkness or other acts of nature, director reserves the right to shorten games or modify schedules in order to finish event. Move tournament event park site/location of event, if necessary, in the event of a change in field(s) status, field conditions, amount of teams ultimately in an event, acts of nature or any other unforeseen circumstances in order to accommodate all teams and in the best interest of the tournament event.
Some parks may have gate fees
Private parks policies and gate fees may differ and are determined by those respective parks. Gate fees where posted are not optional. Please check with each park site upon your arrival at park for gate (fee) policies if they are not posted. Please keep in mind that every park is different as some parks are fundraisers for their respective organizations and we ask that all park site policies are respected and staff members of those parks are treated with courtesy.
Facility Parking / Gate Fees
Some facilities that hosts events at may have parking or gate fees. These fees are assessed by the County, City, League or Entity that runs the facility. Please be courteous to all County, City, League or entity staff at the facilities or gates. Please Note: Any rude, disrespectful, inappropriate behavior or inappropriate language towards any County, City, Park or gate staff will result in immediate removal from the facility for the day or possibly the remainder of the event without any warning as these entities reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Alcoholic beverages
Are not allowed to be brought into the ballparks.
Tobacco products (smoking/chewing) All Age Divisions
Are not allowed during tournament play within the confines of the ballparks, stands, playing fields, etc. Please smoke or chew in designated areas.
Jewelry Prohibited
With exception of Medical Alert bracelets. One warning be given per team followed by player (possible) ejection for ensuing infractions by players of the team for the remainder of the game.
14U thru 18U Expanded Rules
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF HIGH SCHOOL (NFHS) rules shall apply: along with NCS South West Rules for age divisions 14U thru 18U. NCS South West Baseball adheres to strictly to National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) rules for all tournament play in the the 14U THRU 18U divisions with the following exceptions:
A) No pitching limitations in high school age divisions. (Managers please use common sense with the safety of your pitcher in mind).
B) Mandatory runner for catcher with two outs.
C) Courtesy runner for pitcher and catcher at any time. Same runner cannot run for both pitcher and catcher at any time. Runner must be last out or a player not presently in the line up.
D) EH is allowed only when team is batting 10 players. Nine batters can bat in line up with or without a DH. EH is not allowed when team is only batting nine batters. EH and DH are not allowed in the same lineup.
E) Batting entire line up is also permitted in the 14U High School division. GAME TIME LIMITS: 7 innings or 2 hours. Whichever comes first. No new inning after 2 hours
F) 14U Division: -3 bats only. All -3 bats must be stamped with the BBCOR stamp. Wood bats are permitted in all age divisions.
Bat Rules (14U thru 18U)
Wood bat or BBCOR (".50") bats. BBCOR certification label must be a permanent label stamped on the bat by the manufacture to read "BBCOR .50". Penalty for use of illegal bat will be an out. 2nd offense will result in ejection of offending player. Wood bats are permitted in all age divisions. Please view CLICK HERE for banned baseball bats.
NOTE*** For all age divisions any player violating the bat rule (2nd offense) during the same tournament event will be ejected from the game and will have to serve an additional game suspension automatically. No appeal. Player must be caught in the act of using bat. Any play subsequent to violation of bat rule by player will be deemed an automatic out and play will be deemed dead and any resulting play will revert. Any second violation by same team during the same tournament will result in the automatic ejection of player and manager from the game. Both manager and player will sit out an additional game suspension. No appeal. Any player or coach caught violating bat rule a second time in same tournament will be suspended for duration and remainder of the tournament . No appeal.
7U & 8U Player Pitch Rules
Field Dimensions
Pitching distance shall be 40 ft mound and 60 ft bases. *in the event of a baseball facility only having 65 ft pegs installed the division will be played at 65 ft base distances. Additionally pitching distances for all age divisions may be subject to change in the case of some baseball facilities having permanent dirt mounds with differing pitching plate (rubbers) distances.
Game time start
Official game time begins at the conclusion of the managers Home Plate meeting.
Game time limits
Managers, please have your team ready to play immediately following the completion of the preceding game. For the benefit of all participants in our events it is our desire to keep all games going off on time even if that includes beginning your game prior to the scheduled game time start. NOTE: EVENT DIRECTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ADJUST TIME LIMITS HOWEVER NECESSARY FOR EACH EVENT WHEN POSTED ON EVENT PAGE OTHER THAN TIME LIMITS BELOW.
Pool Play: Official game time limit for 7U/8U is 6 innings with a 1 hour 20 minute no new inning & a 1 hour 30 minute drop dead time limit. If Drop Dead time limit is reached then the score will revert back to the previous complete inning's score. Note: In the case that the home team ties the score in the last inning of play the score will remain tied & not revert back to the last inning score. Ties count in pool play games. Unsportsmanlike game delays are solely at the discretion of the UIC in game and may result in the ejection of offending coach.
Playoffs: Game time limit for 7U/8U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 20 minutes (whichever comes first). Once an inning begins it must be completed. **Tournament Director reserves the right to enforce drop dead time limit in order to complete playoff games.
Championship Games: game time limit for 7U/8U is 1 hour 20 minutes. If after 1 hour 20 minutes a winner has not been decided the tie breaker with be put in place until a winner is decided.
Tie games in playoffs will be played out in extra innings. Game will be played until a winner is determined. In Pool Play a tie stands and will not be played out.
A game shall become official after three innings have been completed or after 2-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead.
A game shall become official after three innings have been completed or after 2-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead.
Tie breaker: Starting the new inning bases loaded & 1 out with the last three previous batters on base.
Run Rule Per Inning
6 run rule (Max Runs Scored Allowed Per Inning) will be in effect for innings 1 - 3. Once the 4th inning starts unlimited runs will be allowed. For playoff & championship games tournament director may choose to remove run rule limit per inning.
Bunting is allowed
Mercy Rule
15 runs after 3 complete innings, 8 runs after 4 complete innings.
Balk Rules do not apply.
Lead Offs are not permitted.
Runners may steal after the ball reaches home plate. If runner leave early and is thrown out, the out remains. If a runner leaves early and makes it safely to the next base, the runner will still be called out.
Home plate is closed. Runners from 3rd base may only advance on a hit ball or when forced-in by a walk.
Dropped 3rd Strike
Batters may not advance to first on dropped 3rd strikes.
It is the base runner's responsibility to avoid contact with fielder in possession of the ball is on the rubber with ball in his possession. Exception: Runners may advance when the ball is hit to the pitcher and time has not been called.
Runners may advance at their own risk if a defensive player, including the pitcher, should make a throw to any base in a pick-off effort.
Lineup: team may bat nine (9) players – or a 10th player if using the E-H rule. Teams may also bat entire roster if they wish with free substitution.
Batting order cannot change. Starters re-entering must assume their original place in the batting order.
A team may start a game with no less than eight (8) players. Failure to field eight players is cause for forfeit. (Only 9 players shall play the field). Teams can start with 8 players and finish with eight players. If 9th player shows up after game has started the player can be added to the line up in the 9th spot. ***A minimum of 8 players shall be required to start a game and teams cannot finish with less than 8 players with the 9th spot being an automatic out every time up.
Defensive coaches must remain in, or in front of, the dugout at all times.
Infield fly rule is in effect.
To intentionally walk a batter: no pitches are thrown, Coach or fielder just needs to inform umpire and point to first base.
The courtesy runner rule for pitcher or catcher is allowed. A player, who has not been in the game, may be allowed to run for the pitcher or catcher. A courtesy runner may run for only one player per inning. If the same batter gets on base twice in the same inning, only the same courtesy runner may be use. NOTE: Courtesy runner for the catcher with two outs is mandatory.