Region World Series
Albuquerque, NM
Luis Tovar
NCS Premier World Series
Jul 7-11, 2021
Skills Competition - WEATHER UPDATE
Due to current weather we have postponed tonight’s skills competition!!! ( 6:31 pm)
Event Info
All teams must register with NCS | 2020-2021 season
Team event registration fee
When do I pay the tournament entry fee?
All NCS Baseball tournaments are first pay/first play. Your entry into an event is not complete until you have paid the entry fee or the gate fee. The division may sell out prior to the payment deadline. The number of available spots in a division may fluctuate depending on the needs of all divisions that share the same field size.
Payment options:
Do we supply our own baseballs?
NCS Provides 2 baseballs per game

How do i submit a schedule request?
Please submit all schedule request using the schedule request tab on the event menu. We will take schedule request until the Tuesday evening prior to the event. You can block out a 4 hour block on Friday or Saturday that you cannot play only! Schedule request that are more restrictive than a 4 hour "no play" block will be difficult to accommodate but we will do our best!.
In addition, to the safety measures released by out NCS national office we encourage everyone to visit our website to check out our Covid 19 best practices
In the event of rain/weather or any act of God canceling the entire tournament, teams will be issued a credit towards a future NCS Southwest tournament.
In the event of paid team canceling prior to tournament, team will receive credit towards future
NCS Southwest tournament. All payments are final
In the event of rain canceling a tournament already in progress, a team may receive partial credit based on the amount games played
In the event of paid team canceling due to COVID-19 prior to tournament, team will receive credit towards future NCS Southwest tournament.