

Lynn Stuart


May 28-29, 2022

Teams must be paid or make a $50 refundable** deposit to be marked as confirmed. Only confirmed teams are guaranteed spots. (**refunds will be issued if tournament bracket is canceled OR if team backs out before cut off date.) 

Make payment on line or via Venmo @lynn-stuart-2

2022 will be a great 1st full year for NCS Slowpitch -

Make sure to read our rules and rankings pages and always check our EVENT INFO page for updates and important information.

On-Line brackets, results and points will be used. The more you play, win or lose the more points you will earn for rankings and future game time request privileges.

The higher you finish the more points you earn. The more you play with us win or lose the more points you earn!

Our Money Ball events will also allow teams who plan to come to our World Series in Las Vegas a chance to earn extra points and credits each time you play to reduce or pay for your World Series entry fee's 

More details coming soon. Enter Now at www.playncs.com