
Bakersfield, CA

Michael Briggs

1st NCS Central California State championships


May 17-18

AWARDS Depends on the amount of teams in each division…


3 GG Men's Saturday, 3 GG Ladies on Saturday

3 or 4 GG Seniors on Saturday

Adult COED on Sunday…

Coaches please add a roster online with us ASAP and make sure all players have proper name spelling, DOB and a valid email when entering them... They will get an email from us to accept being on your roster etc...

Men's get 2 HRs per Game… Plus 3 unlimited HR bracelets per a team @ $20 each… STRIKE ZONE… modifications will be in place 

Seniors-- The normal NCS Rules

***COED*** 6/4 Format 2 HRs per Game… Plus 3 unlimited HR bracelets per a team @ $20 each… It will be ***STRIKE ZONE***… modifications will be in place… 

***Make sure you sign up in the right division***

Don't be left out, get registered now