
Texarkana, TX

Robert Smithson


Mar 22



Tournament Director On-Site: Robert Smithson 903-701-2696

We're committed to promoting the game of softball! We promote the game and the players through our Championship Events by providing teams and their supporters with high-quality venues and well-managed tournaments. Teams compete with the best amateur softball clubs in the nation.


Team Entry Fee - $50

Entry Fee Payment - Please list Team Name and Age Group

CashApp - $RKSTournaments

Venmo - @RKSTournaments 

PayPal -

Event Info


No If Game

Pay At The Plate - $40 (8U) $45 (10U-18U)

All -RKS Tournaments- are first pay/first play. Your entry into an event is not complete until you have paid the entry fee.

Divisions may sell out prior to the payment deadline.

The number of available spots in a division may fluctuate depending on the needs of all divisions that share the same field size.

Keep an eye on the schedule until Thursday evening prior to the event. Any schedule changes will be communicated via email on the team account.

Gate Fee

$10 per person / 12 & under free

3 coaches and all players get in for free.


We play exclusively by the rules listed on the website.

Teams are responsible for game balls.

8U - Coach Pitch

Bracket Play - 60 mins / finish the inning

5 runs per half-inning

Games cannot end in a tie

Run Rules = 12 after 4, 10 after 5


Bracket Play - 70 mins / finish the inning

6 runs per half-inning

Games cannot end in a tie

12U-High School

Bracket Play - 70 mins / finish the inning

No run limit per half-inning

Games cannot end in a tie

Run Rules (10U-High School) = 12 after 3, 10 after 4, 8 after 5

ITB - inning starts with one out and last batted out on 2B

Protests are $100. Win your protest and you will get your money back.


All first-place teams will receive Championship Rings. (MAX 12)

All second-place teams will receive Finalist Rings. (MAX 12)

MVP Awards


How do I submit a schedule request? 

Please use the tab on the event info to submit a schedule request. We will do our best to accommodate requests.

Can we bring outside food and coolers?

No outside food or drinks are allowed. 1 team cooler is allowed.

Can we bring our pets?

PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PETS AT HOME! Only Registered Service Animals will be permitted.

When are our rosters locked and what do I do if a parent forgets/neglects to sign the waiver prior to the cutoff?

All rosters are locked on the Friday evening prior to the event at 11:59 pm. All players must be listed on the public view teams page by the cutoff.

Players that do not have signed waivers by the cutoff will not appear on the public view teams page and will not be eligible to play!

Behavior at the events

-RKS Tournaments- has a zero-tolerance policy towards disrespectful and adverse behavior. Any fan, parent, player, or coach will be ejected from the event for adverse behavior towards anyone at the tournament.

-RKS Tournaments- reserves the right to keep any person from entering the property due to disrespectful and adverse behavior. 

Speakers are allowed. Please be respectful of the other teams that are participating.  Zero tolerance for vulgar language.

Where will we play?

William Karrh Memorial Park


Once the schedule has been released, there will be NO REFUNDS!

If you withdraw from an event after you have paid and before the schedule is released, you may transfer to another -RKS Tournaments- event for no additional fees, or if you wish to withdraw completely, you will accrue a refund processing fee of $50.

Paid teams in divisions that do not make will receive a 100% refund.

If an event is canceled due to weather, teams will be eligible for the following refund:

-0- games started 100% refund

-1- game started 50% refund

-2- games started no refund

Do I need team insurance?

Yes, if you did not buy your policy through National Championship Sports you must add NCS (entity below) as an additionally insured. You can do this free of charge by contacting your insurance provider. You must upload your insurance to your team profile before the event.

National Championship Sports

2011 East Lamar Blvd

Suite 120

Arlington, Texas 76006

All coaches that will be inside the dugout or on the field must be background checked through NCS.

-RKS Tournaments- Robert Smithson



3.12 (a): To allow the use of an exclusively one-way electronic communication device from the dugout to the field for the purpose of relaying the pitch or play call.  

 Note 1: A cell phone is a two way device.....not allowed for communications

 Note 2: Play will NOT be stopped to repair/hunt for ear pieces/equipment during play.

Age Qualifications for NCS Fastpitch (Effective Immediately) 9-4-24:

Our fastpitch season runs from August 1, 2024 - August 11, 2025 for 2025 season. Registrations and Insurances will extend until 2nd Monday of August next year. After this years extension, the season will end on the 2nd Monday in August and the new season will begin on second Tuesday of August.

Our birthdate qualifications run from September 1st.

Rosters MUST be online. NO EXCEPTIONS! Players may appear on the coach's side and not public view, and all players will have a timestamp from when they were added to the roster.

Failure to have players listed online could cause your team to be protested, at which point any and all players not listed will become ineligible.