Joey Martin
Jul 15-16, 2023
Event Info
We're committed to promoting the Game of Softball! We promote the game and the players through our Championship Events by providing teams and their supporters with high quality venues and well managed tournaments. Teams compete with the best amateur softball clubs in the Nation.
Team Event Registration Fee
Pay Umps at the Plate $40 a Game in pool and $50 a game in bracket
Each team will supply 2 game balls per game.
Event Info
4 Game Guarantee
2 pool games to double elimination
60 min Pool Play, 75 min Bracket
Pool play = finish the batter, 6 runs per half inning
Bracket play = finish inning, no run limit, must get 3 outs
Run Rules = 15 after 2, 12 after 3, 10 after 4
Protests are $100. Win your protest you will get your money back,
All -TPS Fastpitch- tournaments are first pay/first play. Your entry into an event is not complete until you have paid the entry fee or the . The division may sell out prior to the payment deadline. The number of available spots in a division may fluctuate depending on the needs of all divisions that share the same field size.
Gate Fee
$10 per person 13 and over
We play exclusively by the rules listed on the website
All first place teams will receive Championship Rings
All Finalist will receive Finalist Rings
All Brackets receive team Championship Banners
How do I submit a schedule request?
Please use the tab on the event info
We will do our best to accommodate request
Can we bring outside food and coolers?
Yes, participants and fans are allowed to bring outside food and coolers, excluding alcohol
Can we bring our pets?
PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PETS AT HOME! Only Registered Service Animals will be permitted. (must have registration proof)
When are our rosters locked and what do I do if a parents forgets/neglects to sign the waiver prior to the cutoff?
All rosters are locked on the Friday evening prior to the event. All players must be listed on the public view teams page by the cutoff. Players that do not have signed waivers by the cutoff are not eligible to play!
Behavior at the events
-TPS Fastpitch- has a zero tolerance policy towards disrespectful and adverse behavior. Any fan, parent, player or coach will be ejected from the event for adverse behavior towards a tournament official or umpire.
Where will we play?
Forney Community Park
Do I need team insurance?
Yes, if you did not buy your policy through National Championship Sports you must add NCS (entity below) as an additionally insured. You can do this free of charge by contacting your insurance provider. You must upload your insurance to your team profile before the event.