Single Points Event

Clifton/China Springs/Lorena/Waco, TX

Chris Infante

6th Annual Team Jersey Bash ( All Teams 10 FREE Jerseys ready for pick up Saturday) )

Feb 25-26, 2023


It’s almost that time of year again. We were the FIRST to create the Team Jersey Bash Tournament back in 2017.

You might now see a few tournaments similar to this, but none will be the Team Jersey Bash Tournament we always bring you.

Every team entered will receive 10 FREE Custom Full Sub Jerseys just for playing in the tournament.

Ready to wear the DAY of the tournament.

All jersey designs are 100% customizable.

In order to receive your jerseys, the day of the tournament you much have your team fee paid by Feb. 1st

10 Team Maximum per Age Division

3 Game Guarantee

                                     We have listed most of the information you will need and answers to the most common questions we receive.

Team event registration fee:

7u -8u $100

9u-12u $125

13u-14u $150


Coach Pitch $35

9u- 12u $40

13u-14u $50

Daily Gate fee

Ages 10 and over: $10

When do I pay the tournament entry fee? 

Tournament fees are due before you are placed on the schedule. 


6u Coach Pitch Modifications

Batter - 3 pitches. Can swing at all 3. Then 1 swing from a Tee. 

Catcher's Position- During the Pitch- Catchers can try and catch the ball. While ball is on Tee- catcher must stand back.

Does the Batter / Runner and Runners have to stop at the base, or are they allowed to keep running until they stop running / time is called? - If ball is hit from Tee, hitter and runners only gets a max of 1 base only. If the ball is hit from a Pitched ball, there is no limit on bases ran. 

Is there is a 10' Arc in front of home plate that dictates whether a batted ball is considered playable ball? - There is a 10' Arc in front of plate, measured from tip of home plate. If the batter hits from the Tee, the ball must go beyond the arc or it is considered a foul ball. If the batter hits from a pitched ball, the same rule applies as given to the arc. 

Offense: 2 base coaches, 1 pitching coach. Pitching coach CAN talk to batter, then help when Tee is brought in. When the ball is hit, the Base coaches should instruct the runner. Not the pitching coach. 

Defense: 2 Outfield coaches in Foul Territory, 2 in dug out. 

Number of players: 9 players on field is legal, 10 can play as well. If you start with 10, you must finish with 10. You can bat the entire line up. 

Time limit - Pool Play - 60 Minutes / Bracket Play -1:10

Mercy Rule - 15 after 3 ; 10 after 4 ; 8 after 5 ; 7 run cap per inning. 

Coach pitch- In case of rain delays or late starts, a complete game is 5 innings (not 6) with a shorter time of 60 minutes. 

8u Kid Pitch Modifications (Only Kid Pitch 8uKP)

Playing the same as 9U rules:

Everything is in effect in 8U. 

Balks will have 2 warnings per pitcher.

Infield fly is in effect and will count.

Players can run on Dropped 3rd strike.  With 1 or 2 outs and with bases loaded only, you cannot run to first on drop 3rd strike. Third base runner cannot advance on a dropped 3rd strike. 

No stealing home - Even if catcher misses the ball from pitcher; unless there is a lead off from 3rd base and then the player can steal only on a pick off attempt without bases loaded.

7 Runs per inning. 

Time- 1:10 pool and 1:15 bracket

mercy rule is in effect  

All other Age Divisions: 

We play exclusively by the rules of NCS: Click Here for NCS Rules

We utilize outs instead of innings for pitching totals.

We allow -5 bats in 14u D2 and D3 and under.

We play all 13u events at 60/90 unless otherwise noted

We do not allow metal cleats on any turf fields or portable mounds.

No Metal Cleats 12u and younger.


Unless otherwise listed…

All 1st place and 2nd place teams will receive Championship and Finalist Game Rings

All 1st place and 2nd place teams receive Championship and Finalist Banners

How do I submit a schedule request?

Teams needing schedule request will need to do so by the Monday of the event. We will do our best to accommodate all teams for pool play.

Can we bring outside food and coolers?

This will be determined by which Central Texas park you will be playing at.

Can we bring our pets or service animals to the tournament?


Service animals are always welcome!

When are our rosters locked and what do I do if a parent forgets/neglects to sign the waiver prior to the cutoff?

All rosters are locked on the evening prior to the 1st day of the event. All players must be listed on the public view teams page by the cutoff. Players that do not have signed waivers by the cutoff are not eligible to play! If a parent is not able to approve the player please contact us immediately so that we can help! 

Do I need team insurance?

Yes, if you did not buy your policy through National Championship Sports you must add NCS (entity below) as an additionally insured. You can do this free of charge by contacting your insurance provider. We must receive your insurance no later than the day prior to the 1st day of our event.

Additional Insured:

National Championship Sports

2011 East Lamar Blvd

Suite 120

Arlington, TX 76006

Teams that do not have NCS listed as additional insured, or that do not carry insurance will not be allowed to play at CenTex Events. NO EXCEPTIONS! 

Refund Policy:

Refunds are processed on the Monday following the tournament. 

You must withdraw from the tournament prior to the withdraw date (Sunday prior to event) to receive a refund. If you do not withdraw from a tournament prior to the withdraw date, you will be given a credit towards another tournament. 

For teams that have not prepaid and drop after the withdraw date, there is a $50 fee to be withdrawn. If the fee is not paid the team will take the forfeits through pool play.  

Rain Out: 

No games Played = Full refund or Credit 

1 Game played = Half Refund or Credit

2 Games Played / Seeded = No refund No credit - Awards are given based on seeding. 

 *No Gate Fee Refunds at anytime*


In the rare case that a tournament is cancelled, we will issue full refunds or credits to all teams that have paid. 

Roster Requirements:

Rostered players must be approved by parents so they are viewable by other teams.  There must be at least "8" players listed before the event begins for a team to be eligible to play. 

For any other questions contact 

Chris Infante - 254-205-7458