Why Not

Houston, TX

Team ID: 22-23408

40 and over MENS AAA

W-L-T 3-2-1
Win % .583
Last 10 3-2-1
Streak L1
Avg Finish 7.00
Ranking Points 600
Avg Runs Scored 15.83
Avg Runs Allowed 16.50
Avg Runs Difference -0.67
Runs Scored 95
Runs Allowed 99
vs. Classes
40s MENS MAJOR 0-2-0
40s MENS AAA 3-0-1


Place Date Event Division W-L-T
7 4/30/2022 "spring" LAS VEGAS WORLDS 40s MENS AAA 3-2-1
  5/21/2022 Oklahoma Showdown III 40s MENS AAA 0-0-0


Date Score Teams
Apr 30 21 Why Not
21 WESTCOAST empire
Apr 30 21 Why Not
8 Toot it n Boot it
May 1 10 Why Not
13 Built To Last
Apr 30 5 Why Not
22 BT Bombers/Six Pac/Bishop Transport
May 1 14 Why Not
12 Old Skool
Apr 30 24 Why Not
23 Twisted Reality
Number Player Class Status
Bryan Aswell MAJOR Active
34 Timothy Bolds MAJOR Active
Wilmer Brookins Jr AAA Active
Fred Bruton AAA Active
1 Timothy Clemmons AAA Active
5 Schon Brooks AAA Active
Dafford Coleman AAA Active
Christopher Evans AAA Active
Tramaine Groves AAA Active
Jamail Mason AAA Active
35 Marque McCoy AAA Active
Raymond Paige MAJOR Active
Antoine Pryer AAA Active
rodrick robinson AAA Active
Kenneth Scott AAA Active
Christopher Smith AAA Active
Dameion Vital AAA Active
Arthur Williams AAA Active
Derrick Williams AAA Active
Name Role
Schon Brooks Head Coach
Marque McCoy Assistant Coach

This team is not registered for any upcoming National Championship Sports events.