
Red Oak, Cedar Hill, TX

Ricky Hightower


Mar 25-26, 2023



Team admins please pass this info on to your coaches.

Coaches, you are responsible for your parents behavior. We will not tolerate ABUSIVE language or bad behavior. There will be no warnings, if one of your parents are asked to leave the park the head coach goes with them. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Red Oak is TURF. No gum, no seeds of any kind, no sugary drinks in the dugouts. NO PETS, NO MUSIC before 9am or AFTER 6pm. These are the Citys rules, they STRICTLY enforce them.

Valley Ridge is dirt infields, grass outfields. No special rules at Valley Ridge

gate $10 per day, kids 12u free.. 3 coaches free per team

Teams will provide 2 game balls per game, take them with you when you leave the field

Coaches please make sure to get an MVP card at each plate meeting. Choose a MVP from the opposing team in pool play, write that players number on the card and give the card to that players coach. The coach will give the card to the player to turn in for her award.

This is an MVP Event a player from each team will receive an MVP RING in each Pool game!

2 Pool to DOUBLE Elimination Bracket


PAP $50 pool 90 min finish the batter

PAP $55 bracket 90 min finish the inning

2 90 min finish batter, CAN END IN A TIE

6 runs per half

run rule in effect 10/3 8/4 7/5



Courtesy runner must be a sub, NO SUB GO TO LAST BATTED OUT


DOUBLE elimination

90 minute finish the inning, MUST HAVE A WINNER

ITB Last batted out goes to 2nd, 1 OUT, no count on batter

6 runs per half

run rule in effect 12/3 10/4 8/5

Bat 9, Bat 10 with an EH, Bat 10 with an EH and DP/Flex, OR BAT THE LINE UP


Courtesy runner must be a sub.. No sub GO TO LAST BATTED OUT

Rain out policy

No games played 100% refund

1 game played 75% refund

2 games played 50% refund


2 games played no refund. awards will be given based off pool results

If all teams play their 2 pool games no refund. Awards will be given based on Pool results

We have multiple facilities in RED OAK, Corsicana, Midlothian, Cedar Hill, and surrounding areas to accommodate 60+ teams. Venues can and will change due to number of teams, weather, ect. Be prepared to play within 45 miles of RED OAK. Venue assignments will be announced a week prior to the tournament.

Select Division

Game Field Team vs Team
Game 1 Sat 8:00 AM RedOak Sports Complex 1 11 Texas Tide 12U 0 12U Lady Bandits - Burkham
Game 2 Sat 8:00 AM RedOak Sports Complex 2 11 Texas Rip 4 Alpha Performance Softball 12u
Game 3 Sat 8:00 AM RedOak Sports Complex 3 6 Lady Eagles 2K11 5 Gametime TX2930
Game 4 Sat 8:00 AM RedOak Sports Complex 4 1 Boomstix Athletics 12u 6 LADY BANDITS 12U - MARTINEZ
Game 5 Sat 8:00 AM RedOak Sports Complex 5 6 NTX Ruthless 4 Texas Coalition 12u DeMoss
Game 6 Sat 9:45 AM RedOak Sports Complex 1 8 12U Lady Bandits - Burkham 6 DEx/Impact Gold 12U-Willis
Game 7 Sat 9:45 AM RedOak Sports Complex 2 2 Alpha Performance Softball 12u 14 Athletics Mercado NTX 2K11
Game 8 Sat 9:45 AM RedOak Sports Complex 3 5 Gametime TX2930 2 Keller Outlaws - Eakin
Game 9 Sat 9:45 AM RedOak Sports Complex 4 12 Boomstix Athletics 12u 3 NTX Outlaws
Game 10 Sat 9:45 AM RedOak Sports Complex 5 9 Texas Coalition 12u DeMoss 0 Lady Hornets Elite
Game 11 Sat 11:30 AM RedOak Sports Complex 1 15 American Freedom 2K10 5 DEx/Impact Gold 12U-Willis
Game 12 Sat 11:30 AM RedOak Sports Complex 2 4 Texas Rip 6 Hooks- Bennett
Game 13 Sat 11:30 AM RedOak Sports Complex 3 2 Hooks-Kroll 10 Lady Eagles 2K11
Game 14 Sat 11:30 AM RedOak Sports Complex 4 10 TGA 2K11 Santos 0 LADY BANDITS 12U - MARTINEZ
Game 15 Sat 11:30 PM RedOak Sports Complex 5 0 Young Guns - Larance 16 Keller Outlaws Ridge
Game 16 Sat 1:15 PM RedOak Sports Complex 1 3 Athens Elite 12U 13 Texas Tide 12U
Game 17 Sat 1:15 PM RedOak Sports Complex 2 14 ETX FLEX 4 Hooks- Bennett
Game 18 Sat 1:15 PM RedOak Sports Complex 3 11 Keller Outlaws - Eakin 1 Prosper Missions 12U Blue
Game 19 Sat 1:15 PM RedOak Sports Complex 4 5 Ruthless ATX-LT ‘10 Akins 8 TGA 2K11 Santos
Game 20 Sat 1:15 PM RedOak Sports Complex 5 12 Young Guns - Larance 8 Lady Hornets Elite
Game 21 Sat 3:00 PM RedOak Sports Complex 1 7 American Freedom 2K10 1 Athens Elite 12U
Game 22 Sat 3:00 PM RedOak Sports Complex 2 10 Athletics Mercado NTX 2K11 4 ETX FLEX
Game 23 Sat 3:00 PM RedOak Sports Complex 3 13 Hooks-Kroll 2 Prosper Missions 12U Blue
Game 24 Sat 3:00 PM RedOak Sports Complex 4 0 NTX Outlaws 14 Ruthless ATX-LT ‘10 Akins
Game 25 Sat 3:00 PM RedOak Sports Complex 5 8 NTX Ruthless 11 Keller Outlaws Ridge

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