Double Points Event


Travel Sports Baseball

TSB - NCS DFW Fall Championship (Double Points)

Nov 9-10, 2024

Weather Alert

Concession at Burleson will be open on the SB side of park.

6:05am - Burleson is playable and on time

5:30am - PDC and Generation park are playable and on time.

All weather updates and field conditions will be posted here.

Select Division

1 HP Scots 2-0-0 0 20 55 1575
2 Dallas Prospects 12u Black 2-0-0 0 20 23 700
3 Texas Broncos - McCartney 2-0-0 1 20 26 1100
4 DTX Padres 2-0-0 3 19 30 1100
5 Texas Alpha Baseball 2-0-0 3 13 20 3400
6 Texas Select Bulls 2-0-0 3 7 10 1175
7 Haymakers 12U 2-0-0 8 2 10 2300
8 Knights Knation Dallas Green 1-1-0 8 7 20 400
9 Canes Senators 12U Shane 1-1-0 8 -3 5 450
10 Canes Southwest 12u - Villanueva 1-1-0 22 -3 14 400
11 Prosper Spikes - 12U Bruns 0-2-0 9 -4 5 200
12 Texas Warhawks 12u 0-2-0 21 -11 6 350
13 NTX Tribe - Kleinpeter 0-2-0 21 -19 2 1325
14 CenTex Bandits 0-2-0 25 -17 8 1550
15 Coppell Cowboys - Stoneman 0-2-0 33 -11 2 50
16 Texas Threat 0-2-0 38 -20 5 450
17 Jordan Elite. 0-2-0 38 -20 0 400